
Music and Writing

Music and writing have a lot in common. They both have structure, originate from a creative process, and can evoke a wide spectrum of thoughts and emotions.

When I started writing my first science-fiction novel, QUANTUM SEED, I regularly heard one particular symphony in my head. As I would  construct a scene in my head, Beethoven's Symphony No. 9

in D Minor, Opus 125, would naturally start playing in my mind.

By the time I reached the editing process, it was the music of

Ludovico Enaudi that helped keep me focused.

What about you? What music do you hear in your head or listen to when writing?


While writing my first novel, I researched topics ranging from anthropology and genetics to astronomy and theoretical astrophysics.

My findings were, at times, so intriguing it was intoxicating. Days felt like hours, and hours like mere minutes. As I looked up from the bottom of each rabbit hole, I  realize that I had completely lost myself in the glorious feeling of discovery and learning. Each time it took substantial effort to climb out and get back to writing.

As a new writer, I am interested in how other writers balance the need for research with actually writing.

Nutritional Endocrinology

June, 2020

At the beginning of the month, I attended a two-and-a-half-day workshop on Nutritional Endocrinology. It was a fascinating dive into epigenetics. 

It is interesting how we try to control so much that is out of our control, yet most people underestimate their power over their gene expression.

Our lifestyles and choices have a tremendous impact on whether or not a genetic predisposition gets activated. The recommended lifestyles do not restrict us to modest lives in the Himalayas or months spent in meditation. We need to live by a few good guidelines that we already know.

  • Be active
  • Eat real food (less sugar)
  • Protect your heart and mind by consciously making positive choices. Good areas to start with are in the selection of people you are around, the words you use daily, or the movies you watch (your subconscious takes it all in).