




a speculative fiction novel

Book excerpt

"In the first year of our experiments, I repeatedly read Malcolm’s mind, glimpsed future events, disrupted technology in the room, and remotely checked on Aunt Judy. With each exhibition of my abilities, I waited—waited to see if he would retreat, engulfed in fear, like all others had done before."


Victoria Ottery’s unique abilities make it impossible to fit in. But that becomes the least of her worries when a brain-training session awakens talents she didn’t know she had. Suddenly, she’s the recipient of a shocking message from an advanced race that starts the clock ticking. Could another planet’s people, technology and knowledge change the path of human existence...and how might they reveal Victoria’s true nature and destiny?

Although a fictional tale of adventure, survival, and humanity’s unexplored potential, I integrate scientific knowledge in neuroscience, genetics, and astronomy. The exoplanet system depicted in the novel has been arrived at with help from The Ohio State University’s Astronomy Department.



Since as early as I can remember, I have been captivated by the brain's potential and our ability for complex existential thoughts.

My writing reflects these fascinations and considers how we may evolve against a backdrop of scientific leaps in genetics and artificial intelligence. 

My brain and I have lived in five countries and now reside in the USA with my husband and son.

ICF-Certified Brain Coach



Volume One will be available in December, 2023

"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go into the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius."

              Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Waterfall in Norway

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